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Solahart Systems

  • Thermosiphon Roof Mounted Systems
  • Streamline Split Systems



Solahart is the leading manufacturer of solar hot water systems in Australia and around the world. Solahart provides solar hot water to over a million Australian households and buisnesses.Australia has an abundance of solar energy and by installing a Solahart solar hot water heater it will allow you to use the suns free energy to heat your water.

Big Savings on your Energy Bills

When you install a Solahart you are using the sun’s free energy to heat your water, therefore you are reducing your energy consumption by 50-90% resulting in huge savings on your energy bills every year.

Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Water heating accounts for approximately 25% of the typical homes greenhouse gas emmisons, making water heating the biggest single contibutor to Austalian household carbon emissions.

If you replace a conventional electric water heater with a Solahart you can reduce yor CO2 emissions by as much as 3 tonnes each year.

Government Rebates and Incentives

Government rebates and incentives are avaliable to help you make the switch the a Solahart because they are so good for the envgironment. Depending on your circumstances and which state you live in you could replace your electric water heater with a Solahart for not much more than a conventional water heater.

You Can Depend on Solahart

Solahart have been developing and manufacturing solar water heaters in Australia for over 55 years abd have sold over a million units worldwide.

Last Name First Name Email Web Site
Smith John jsmith@gmail.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Bach Frank fbach@yahoo.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Doe Jason jdoe@hotmail.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Conway Tim tconway@earthlink.netThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it